I finally completed my first in the series of “Everyday Paintings” today and got it posted on eBay.
Update: Sold!
Whew… Everyday Paintings? What was I thinking? I forgot how long all the set-up can take.
I had to set up the Google groups for my automated mailing list, establish a new accounton eBay, and eat some trail mix. I’m exhausted!
February 13, 2006 at 12:31 pm
hi david!!! yes im roslyn the one you painted!!! i absolutely love it!!!!
i’m showing it to all of my friends, and you should see how many people have visited that ebay site with my painting there. when i first heard that my painting was on ebay i was almost petrified!! I was yelling out all of the house,” I’m on EBAY!!” i was so excited!! i love you soooo much!!
love, roslyn wertheimer!
February 13, 2006 at 12:45 pm
Thanks you for your enthusiasm! I’m glad you like the painting.
I accidentally brok a rule eBay has about linking back to my own website, and they took that listing down, but I will fix it and repost it today… Sorry!
Anyway, thank you for your kind words! And thanks for being a fine model!
You’re a beautiful young woman! It was pleasure to paint you!