My Thoughts... Exactly!

Hey, you wanna know what I think?

Be Aware

Sounds like a good Hallowe’en title, but actually, I want to alert readers to a service that allows you to easily check your neighborhood and surrounding streets for the residences of Registered Sex Offenders. The Website is and uses Google Maps Technology to fairly accurately alert you to where these lowest of lifeforms are legally allowed to live in your free neighborhood in our free country. Isn’t it just wonderful that these disgusting former human beings have their freedoms protected so that they can live in your neighborhood near your children?

You can go there and enter the location data—no street number is necessary… or, if you’re suspicious of every website, like I tend to be, you can just list a street nearby for added safety—and a Google-generated map will appear with a blue “push-pin” that represents some general location on your street, and red push-pins representing the residence of registered sex offenders.

If you click a red pushpin, you get a pop-up bubble with the scum’s name and address. If you click their name, you get their picture and list of offenses and various other data on different tabs.

Those of you with young children may want to take a little time for you and your children to memorize these faces, if for nothing more than to trigger a memory down the line—something that sends up a red flag if these faces are ever seen in public. Associating the visual memory of a person’s face with bad or danger could save someone’s innocence—or life.

1 Comment

  1. Wow, not sure I’m glad or not that I just spent some time looking at this. Yuck! I prayed for each person I looked at, but still, a downer. Thanks for this good resource though. It’s easier than the Megan’s Law site I think. Think I’ll move by my brother where there are only 2 red dots, compared to my and the 2 friends’ neighborhoods I checked that appear to have “measles”.

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