At a nice restaurant last evening the servers prepared a table near me for a group, and not long after, three beautiful, college-age women arrived wearing elegant black, thin-strapped or strapless evening gowns, sparkling and sleek. Each had done masterful natural-looking make-up, with a touch of glamour. Their hair styled for an evening of celebration.

They chatted for a while waiting for others to show up.

Over the next ten minutes, as we finished our meal, four young men showed up.

Each was wearing baggy pants—jeans or cargo pants—their button-down, plaid shirts were un-tucked and completely un-buttoned exposing t-shirts with cheesy art, and a couple of them wore weathered baseball caps with curled brims.

I shook my head at the chasm between how the women viewed the evening versus how the “boys” did.

Who is helping boys grow up and learn to be men—MTV?